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I am beyond humbled and excited to have been selected as part of the amazing cohort of women for FEMeeting 2024: Women in Art, Science and Technology conference in Windsor, Ontario from June 23-29th.  Elegy For A Glacier was selected for the exhibition being held at the event at the IOTA Gallery, in addition to being selected as part of the closed session

by SE Bachinger Long before we grasped for a hold upon terrestrial skin, Before the echos of human song reverberated, Fervent forces pulsed, a rhythmic memory, Their hands, not ours, shaped the cradle.   Obsidian wove the tapestry of existence, fumaroles sighed , molten secrets etched in geological code Eruptions and subductions eternally ebb and flow Guiding evolution with untethered grace and gravity.   Upon this Petric stage we arose, And, in our reckless march

I am excited to share that my Elegy For A Glacier video was kindly recognized and shared by Dr.Þorvarður Árnason and Rannsóknasetrið á Hornafirði (Research center of the University of Iceland in Hornafjörður).  I have been fortunate to have connected with Dr. Árnason last year after taking my first trip to Iceland in September of 2022.  Since that trip, my interest in the