Some sneak peeks of some new work with data, sound, code and art - looking forward to sharing more on these works soon and a particular project I am working on in this vein. Stay tuned! :) The sounds visualized here are a collection of field recordings from the West Fjords of Iceland.
My physical copy of The New Geologic Epoch from EcoArtSpace arrived and it is a stunning and inspiring publication.
I am very excited to announce the first public exhibition of my video/spoken work/sound project Elegy For A Glacier is currently on exhibit at the Trolley Barn Gallery in Poughkeepsie, NY through August 9.
Welcome to this project - it has been a long time in the making - a conglomeration of all of the facets of my work over the years; my passions, my independent research that feeds my constant curiosity, and most importantly - my connections to nature and our more-than-human kin. It's all coming together in unexpected ways, but in a manner that seems
Temperatures here the past few weeks have been dancing between 40-50°F, and the formations documented in this visual poem, were all gone within days as the water returned to it's liquid form. The last time I recall the lake freezing over completely for more than a few weeks was about 7 years ago.